in the middle of clearing out my apartment and packing... my body was hurting and i knew i needed to move.
i dropped what i was doing and decided i may as well record whatever was about to happen next.
this is the first time i've really done much of a movement session in this apartment. i've danced around and watched myself twerk in the mirror but that's about it 😜
as i began moving my body i realized that (1) this is what my body needed and i am so glad i listened (2) how amazing the universe is for (the first time) prompting me to get into my body in this way inside my home... i then envisioned myself doing the same when i arrive back in canada.
as a neurodivergent person i've recognized being indoors can be hard for me sometimes.
i also realized that over the years, in and out of the gym - i never, ever - felt what i was doing.
i was completely out of my body.
now, when i move, i am SO tuned in.
i was once a certified personal trainer and i "learned it all" as far as how the body "should move"... but i never actually connected that knowing with my body. i would move "in the right way" but i was not activating anything i didn't feel what was moving... i was constantly injured and didn't understand why.
i was TRYING SO HARD to do it right.
always trying to follow the directions perfectly... i've now realized i was looking everywhere but WITHIN for the instructions on how i should move MY body.
i've since realized this is very common amongst neurodivergent people, particularly women with adhd like me!
after hurting my shoulder (attempting) to wakeboard (at a cable park 🤪) ... i put my yoga membership on hold and started moving my body outdoors in nature.... that was almost 1 year ago.
i now have a daily routine (which i do whenever i FEEL to... which is most days 🙂 ) and on the days i don't feel like it i honour that.
embodied movement has changed my life.
and by syncing my movement with the phases of my menstrual cycle i've created the most beautiful framework to keep both my body and mind healthy.
if this resonates and you would like to know more about creating your own path towards living a sustainable, aligned and embodied life see here.
