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journey birthing lokah // seven

Writer: CarlyCarly

the basics…

as i have been adding the finishing touches on the Lokah website and preparing to open ticket sales for our launch event on 11/22/22 (🥳), a lot has come up that i want to make clear (for myself really, but i’m sure this will be helpful for others too 😊)

i figured there is no better way than to literally define some of the basic principles of Lokah.

a glossary of sorts i suppose 😉

coaching: to help a person change in the way they wish and helping them go in the direction they want to go. source

blech, i can’t stand this word, so at least for now, i will not be using this to describe any part of what i do.

however, the definition does capture the nature of my offerings, so if you like this word, use it 😊

energy exchange (barter): exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money. source

our community is rooted in collaboration and energy exchange and has been established in order to ensure all members find ways to have their unique needs met.

membership: the fact of being a member of a group. source

Lokah does not “offer” memberships.

if you are aligned with our mission consider yourself a member of our community 🤗

sponsorship: involves a relationship between two parties, where one party (sponsor) provides support in the form of funding, resources, or services to the other party (beneficiary). source


through an aligned community of like-hearted women we can come together and create enriching, connective experiences.

Lokah experiences are heart-centred gatherings to introduce our joy-led rhythmic offerings to the community in immersive embodied ways.

in order to make these experiences accessible for all women i have created:


allows members of our community to offer support

every dollar received goes into the experiencefund to make our experiences accessible for all women



allows members of our community to receive support

the experiencefund allows members to pay what they can for Lokah experiences


adopting a joy-led rhythmic lifestyle led me back to myself and by syncing with my cycle i have created a clear (yet intuitive) framework to remain connected with myself, even when my nuanced mind has other plans.

a big part of my joy-led rhythmic lifestyle is to be involved in experiences that keep me in my body.

i want to create awareness and conversation about what this looks like for me and i invite all women who feel the same to join me on this never-ending journey back to self.

let’s remember who we are…together.

I hope to see you at eleven ⚡️ twenty two


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