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journey birthing lokah // six

Writer: CarlyCarly

Updated: Aug 28, 2022

I love to study the meaning of words.

I have countless notes expanding on the meaning of words, particularly the ones I choose to use for creative or professional purposes.

Se·man·tics│noun │the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.

Recently while creating for @thelokahbus I found myself doing it once again.

Since I’ve started sharing my ideas for Lokah with people outside of my close circle I quickly realized most people think I’m saying Loca (as in crazy 🤪) not Lokah… and although Loca is just as (if not more at times) accurate of an adjective to describe my life… that is not actually the message I’m trying to share lol

So I decided to define the word to make it clear.

Initially, after reading this definition:

Cra·zy│adjective│mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way.

I came up with:

Lo·kah│adjective│grounded, especially as manifested in a joyful or harmonic way.

As in:

She went Lokah, adopted a joy-led rhythmic life and contributed her thoughts, words, and actions to happiness and freedom for all.


I have loved the word harmony forever (it’s been my wifi network name for 13 years lol) but when defining Lokah, harmony didn’t fit for me so instead, I chose harmonic… it is not often used in the way that I have used it, but I like it. So it is.

This morning for whatever reason I decided to look up the meaning.

Har·​mon·​ic│adjective│of an integrated nature : congruous



These last few months have been all about integration and embodiment.

I’ve grown and healed and peeled back so many layers of who I am and I know, I AM READY now, more than ever before, to FULLY embody and INTEGRATE all the pieces of me.

The only time we have is NOW and I have no interest in delaying being FULLY me any longer.

I’ve updated the definition.

Lo·kah│adjective│grounded, especially as manifested in a joyful and harmonic way.

To be truly grounded we must not only live a joy-led life but we must also integrate all of who we are, the light, the dark the feminine the masculine… all of it!

So let’s go Lokah; adopt a joy-led rhythmic life, embody WHO WE TRULY ARE (alllllll of it!) and share our thoughts, words, and actions with others to cultivate happiness and freedom for all.



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